Hi there just thought i better put something down as it's been a month since the last post.
It is very wet up here. poor wheat farmers - so much ruined crop but so wet now after such a long drought. Creeks and rivers are full and flooding and with more wet weather coming who knows what will happen.
Em finished off her HSC. Thankyou to all who have been praying for her.
Georgie has been very unsettled for some weeks now and has required more medications than normal for seizures which is very sad.
At westmead a skin biopsy at their request was taken and we were told just a thin scar would be left but it opened up as the stitches dissolved early and so it will leave an ugly scar near her shoulder and still has not healed. The site where the central line came out is great and nothing but a small pink dot remains.
Most of the blood tests etc that were taken at Westmead showed that Georgie is probably in better health overall now than what she was when she left there two years ago.