Friday, June 26, 2009

Friday 26th June

A reasonable week though not as good as the week before with Georgie having more seizures and coughing at times.
Most of the nurses are a big help during the day. Mostly we are managing to get a reasonable sleep at night.
Many things have been provided and we often say to each other that God has and still is taking care of basically all our other needs.
One of the young drs who used to look after Georgie in Westmead has also been up here for the last six months at Dubbo. He was killed in a car accident on the way home to Sydney on Monday.
We were very sad to learn of this as he was a really nice guy and a good dr. We had quite a few discussions with him about our faith. The last one I had he said he was "searching for God" and immediately a nurse came in and demanded his attention elsewhere and I never got another time to talk with him. He had been asking me about how Georgie was so close to dying from pneumonia only the week before but he said you were not worried and he wanted to know about faith. (I remember that night well as despite all the chaos with drs and nurses attending her she seemed to be fading quickly and couldn't breathe. At about 3am he said I think you better ring your family to come in.- He said to me later "ordinarily I would have said it was very imminent but I can't predict anything with Georgie") Yet there was a peace in the room I could feel as soon as I went in and it seemed to me that the worse she got the greater the peace became.( this is what the bible speaks about as the peace that transcends all understanding)
I was able to tell him this day after that night that I had peace because if she died she would be in glory with God in heaven and we too would see her again, yet more than that I knew she wouldn't. I just knew she wouldn't and so I did not have to ring Ange and wake her up. I shared with him about faith as he inquired. I don't know what he did with our conversations. We know God is a just judge. We'll miss him.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Greg,
    God's ways really are unfathomable, aren't they!!!! One day we will understand, I know, so we just keep on trusting. So sorry to hear of that young doctor.....
    Praying Georgie has a better week this week .... wondering how you all are ... and praying continually, as are many.
    Sleep weel, peace and contentment and many special times with your little princess, her big brother and special sister, and, of course, with each other.
    Placing you all in His perfcet love and care,


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