Hi it's been a while since i wrote anything. Not much has changed in many respects.
Em is down in Sydney now at Uni and loving it.
Some cut backs in funding again for Georgie's home help will mean maybe a 20 or 30 % reduction in home help hours.
Ange works two days per week at a local high school and been really enjoying those days.
James in year 11, working two nights a week cooking at achinese kitchen, breeding many birds - a good kid. Now has his "L's"- lookout Dubbo.
We have received a couple of lovely cards from people to send a word of encouragement to us knowing that this Easter will be 5 years since Georgie got sick.
Interestingly the head neurologist once made a statement to me that if she lived she may live five years. Why five years i've no idea.
Dates become landmarks i guess.
Have thought at times of writing a book as so many have suggested. I've always tried to cover the awfulness of things that really happened for so many reasons but as well as this there were so many wonderful things that happened. I read the other day how Paul said "i did not want you to be ignorant of the many trials we suffered...."
Well thanks all who keep praying!
Blessings Greg and Ange