Saturday, January 30, 2016

Is anybody still out there?

Hi I haven't written anything for years but just wondered if anybody is still linked on this?


  1. Hi there Greg!
    Lusi and Brett here. It has been a long time and we don't follow many blogs any more but have often wondered how you guys are doing. We'd love an update if you don't mind sharing.
    Blessings in Christ :)

  2. Hi there Greg..was only thinking this morning, when praying for you, Ange and 'little Georgie, if you were still even aware we do post..............I post each new month (sometimes late as you can tell), pray every morning, and I know Cath usually does also. Although I don't personnally know her, Cath and I have sometimes chatted to each other...a great, once again, praying continually, in His Perfect love........anne c.

  3.'s a new month, and letting you all know, still praying for you each morning ...........nearly another Easter Time.........for our 'little Georgie's healing, in God's time, His way...........for Greg and Ange as they love and care for her.and for Em and James ...... in His Perfect Love.......anne c

  4. I still check on you all from time to time!

  5. Still here and still praying each new day.........continuing to give our Georgie to our wonderful God and all who love and care for her......................anne c

  6. Hi Greg, just found out how to reset my password to get into this site. Continuing to pray for Georgie and you all. Love Mirrie xx

  7. Second week into the new month.................late but still thinking of you all, and praying for you, especially our Georgie Girl, each new morning............when His compassions are new and his faithfulness never His Perfect Love..annec

  8. June 2016......still praying.................

  9. Another month............praying each morning, for you all, especially our wonderful God's will in our Georgie's life........a bi month for her this month, eh!
    in His Perfect Love

  10. Eighteen today..............God knows!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. WOW...I remember I first learned about Georgie when I was at home on bedrest while pregnant with my twins. As I prayed for their well being I prayed for you and your sweet girl as well...I cannot believe so much time has passed.

  12. Yes Greg, I am logged on. Looking forward to hearing the latest on Georgie and you all. Love, Mirrie and Ron.


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